Cailean’s Assignment

I came across this assignment Cailean had done in the Fall of 2003..

Cailean Sheeran November 5, 2003
Little did I know that a gift I received on December 25, 1999 would change my world. I had requested a guitar for Christmas that year and was very excited to finally have the Yamaha Gigmaker model in my hands. Even though I did not know how to play a note, let alone a chord, it was a tremendous feeling.

Lessons soon followed. My first guitar teacher was from Wales and introduced me to the blues. That was a style of music that I really had never appreciated before. It turned out to be a great approach to the world of music. We soon progressed to jazz. I was really surprised to discover how these two styles had influenced the rock music that I listened to all the time. I still continue to appreciate and listen to all types of music. This has opened my eyes and ears to many cultures.

My first public performance was at my Eighth Grade Graduation. I went to a small school that had a ceremony that included selections from all the graduates. “Dark Eyes”, a gypsy song, was the first tune that I played. Then, a drummer and I played together on a song that I wrote myself – “Untitled”. There was a lot of applause at the end of each song. Many people told me that my music was the highlight of the ceremony and that I had a lot of talent.

Recently, I have played at some “Open Mike” nights at a local coffee house. At first I was very nervous but I feel more confident now. I actually sang two songs at my last performance and would like to take some voice lessons. When I perform in front of a small audience it makes me feel that I have achieved my goal. Recent purchases of a Taylor guitar and a high technology amplifier should improve the sound of my music, too.

Music has enlarged my world. I constantly listen to all types and instruments. Playing a compact disc that I have recorded of my own music is very rewarding. I hope that my love for playing the guitar will continue. It’s a wonderful experience that has enriched me a great deal.

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